Mission Statement

The Saint Joseph Athletic Association is one component of our parish Youth Ministry. It is a partnership of Student Athletes, Parents, Adult Leaders and Clergy that promotes healthy competition as well as the emotional and spiritual growth of each participant. The SJAA encourages all involved to live Christian values and grow in their relationship with Christ and his Church.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

St. Joseph Parish Softball Team

Calling all Adults….young, middle-aged and seniors!!!

St. Joseph’s Parish is excited about entering its co-ed softball team’s 3rd season in the Inter-Church Co-ed softball league this summer.  

The season begins in June and ends in late July, with single elimination playoffs in early August .  Games are normally played on Sunday afternoons with occasional weeknight games.Games are played against surrounding town parishes (i.e South Presbyterian-Bergenfield, St. Mary’s Dumont, Sacred Heart, Haworth, etc)

St. Joseph is looking for interested participants to join the roster.  The team had a good crop of players come out last year and they hope to bring in some new rookies this year.  If there are enough players on the team then a rotating schedule could be worked out so those who can only make a few games can participate along with those who can make all the games. 

Some other details on the league:
  • This is a Slow Pitch no-stealing league
  • All adults 14 years or older, who are members of the parish or parents of St. Joe’s school students, are eligible (if under 16 yrs of age, signed parent consent is needed)
  • Co-ed league, usually two females must be on the field and in batting order at each game
  • 7 inning games are played
  • Softball is 90 % mental, the other half is physical (Y.B.)
This is a social and “minimally” competitive league with the main goal of promoting fellowship, good sportsmanship and most of all FUN.

If interested please email by May 24th:
Jen McKeague at Jennifer_McKeague@ml.com
Jeff Garcia at lawman952000@gmail.com