Monday, February 11, 2019

Saint Joseph Track 2019 Registration

Saint Joseph Athletic Association - Track & Field Registration Form 2020

Saint Joseph Athletic Association Mission Statement:
St. Joseph Athletic Association (SJAA) is one component of Youth Ministry.  It is a partnership of Student/Athletes, Parents, Adult Leaders and Clergy that promotes healthy competition as well as the emotional and spiritual growth of each participant.  The SJAA encourages all involved to live Christian values and grow in their relationship with Christ.

The St. Joseph Track Team welcomes all parish boys and girls participating in CCD and/or  St. Joseph School children in the grades K-8 to sign up. There are no tryouts, everyone competes!  Running events include 50M, 100M, 200M, 400M, 800M, 1600M, & relays.  Field events include long jump, broad jump, turbo javelin and shot put. 

We must emphasize the importance of proper supervision to have safe, organized practices and meets. We can always use more help with coaching and assistant coaching!  The Athletic Association has instituted background checks for all volunteers who work with our children.   No prior experience is required, we have great mentoring coaches in place to help!

* * *We require a Parent/Guardian to stay for practice and be present at meets for those children in K thru 3* * *

Please note we will use email & the SJS website to communicate changes as they arise. 

Practices are typically held at Bergen Catholic HS two days a week for 1 hour 15 minute sessions. Practices will begin late March. There are typically 4 track league meets that occur at in April, May and possibly June.

In Person:
Time: TBD
St Joseph School Gymnasium Lobby

Drop off:
You can drop off completed registration forms and fees to St. Joseph School Office, Attn: St. Joe’s Track/Jen McKeague

The 2020 registration fee is $70 per child/$105 per family.  All registrations are due by March 20th.  There is an additional $15 charge for the required team tank top for 1ST time registrants or those who need a larger size.  Make all checks payable to: St. Joseph Athletic Association.  Please fill out the information below and return it at in-person registration or mail in the registration to the: St. Joseph School Office, Attn: St. Joe’s Track/Jen McKeague.  Registration deadline is March 20th.